SGO 2024 | The First Published Clinical Data of Nectin-4-Targeting ADC Developed by Mabwell in Cervical Cancer Demonstrates Its Outstanding Therapeutic Potential

Release time:Mar 18, 2024

Mabwell (688062.SH), an innovative-driven biopharmaceutical company with entire industry chain, presented the clinical study data of the 9MW2821 for patients with cervical cancer as focused plenary oral presentation at the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) annual meeting on March 16, 2024.

The data showed good efficacy and safety of 9MW2821 in patients with cervical cancer, which is expected to bring new breakthroughs for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer, meeting a large number of unmet clinical needs.

9MW2821 is the first drug to report clinical data for the indication of cervical cancer among the drugs with the same target in the world.

Report on Study Data of Nectin-4-Targeting Antibody-drug Conjugate (ADC)
for the Treatment of Recurrent or Metastatic Cervical Cancer


This phase I/II, multicenter, open-label, clinical study was led by Professor Zhang Jian of Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, and Professor Yang Huijuan of Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center represented the study team to give an in-depth report at the meeting. The study results were highly recognized by experts on site. Further clinical study data are expected to provide more treatment options for patients with recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer. 


Professor Yang Huijuan's Report


Clinical Findings

The systemic treatment drug options and efficacy for recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer are relatively limited. The cervical cancer cohort in the phase I/II study of 9MW2821 enrolled patients with Nectin-4-positive recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer who had progressed on or after doublet platinum-containing chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab and received no more than two previous systemic regimens for recurrent or metastatic disease.Eligible patients received intravenous 9MW2821 1.25mg/kg on days 1, 8 and 15 of each 28-day cycle until confirmed disease progression, death, intolerable adverse effects or withdrawal from the study.

As of September 25, 2023, in the cervical cancer expansion cohort of the study, the detection rate of Nectin-4 expression was 89.67%, and the rate of Nectin-4 IHC 3+ was 67.82%. A total of 40 patients were enrolled in the study, 57.5% of the patients had previously received platinum-based doublet chemotherapy combined with bevacizumab, and 60% of the patients had previously received platinum-based doublet chemotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy.

In terms of efficacy, the overall response rate (ORR) and disease control rate (DCR) of 37 patients evaluable for efficacy were 40.54% and 89.19%, respectively, with one complete response (2.70%) and 14 partial responses (37.84%). Median progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), and duration of response (DOR) were not reached yet. Among patients with Nectin-4 IHC 3+, the ORR and DCR of 26 patients evaluable for efficacy were 50.00% and 92.31%, respectively. Among patients on or after doublet platinum-containing chemotherapy, the ORR and DCR of 21 patients evaluable for efficacy were 38.10% and 85.71%, respectively.

In terms of safety, treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) occurred in 92.50% of participants. Grade3-4 TRAEs occurred in 70.00% of participants, with neutropenia (40.00%), rash (17.50%) and gamma-glutamyl transferase increased (12.50%) being the most frequently reported. Nodeaths related to treatment were reported.

The above study results indicate that 9MW2821 has controllable safety and positive efficacy in patients with cervical cancer.


About 9MW2821

9MW2821 is the first site-specific conjugated novel ADC targeting Nectin-4 developed by Mabwell using ADC platform and automated high-throughput hybridoma antibody molecular discovery platform, and is the first product to enter clinical study among the products with the same target developed by Chinese companies. Multiple clinical studies of 9MW2821 have been conducted in China to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetic characteristics, and efficacy of 9MW2821 in patients with various advanced solid tumors.

The phase III clinical study of 9MW2821 monotherapy has officially been initiated in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma who have previously received platinum-based chemotherapy and PD-(L)1 inhibitor therapy. The phase I/II clinical study of 9MW2821 in combination with PD-1 inhibitors is also ongoing, with the first patient already enrolled. The phase II clinical study for the indication of esophageal carcinoma will continue enrollment and evaluation, and communication for the initiation of phase III clinical study will be expedited. 9MW2821 was granted Fast Track Designation (FTD) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in February 2024 for the treatment of advanced, recurrent, or metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Currently, 9MW2821 is the first therapeutic drug targeting Nectin-4 in the world to disclose clinical efficacy and safety data for indications of cervical cancer and esophageal carcinoma.

About Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the 4th most common neoplasm and the 4th leading cause of cancer death in females worldwide (excerpted from "Worldwide trends in cervical cancer incidence and mortality, with predictions for the next 15 years, Cancer 2021"). According to the "World Cancer Report 2020" released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), there were 600 thousand new cases of cervical cancer worldwide in 2020 and up to 340 thousand deaths caused by cervical cancer. In February 2024, the National Cancer Center published the Cancer Burden Data in China in 2022 on Journal of the National Cancer Center (JNCC), showing that there were 150.7 thousand new cases of cervical cancer and 55.7 thousand deaths in China, ranking 8th and 9th respectively in terms of new cases and number of deaths. Compared with the 119 thousand new cases and 37 thousand deaths released in February 2022 for the same period in 2016, significant increases are observed.